Monday, March 16, 2009

More Phillips Pictures

Phillips cousins
Wiley (Pa Wiley) Hoyte Phillips What was he holding in his hands?

Captola Rivers Armstrong Bell with children Bill, top right, Delores center kneeling with grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Reba Phillips Denney with that wonderful natural smile. (correction: Shirley not Reba)

Ray and Reba Denney

JD and Audrey Phillips

JD, Audrey, Stevie, Rita and Kerri Phillips
Thanks to Theresa Armstrong for these terrific pictures.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Even More Phillips Pictures

JD and Audrey Phillips with Linda, Vanus and Charles Page

Shirley Phillips

Louise Phillips, thanks to Theresa Armstrong and Captola Bell.

Hoyte Phillips

Arvle Page and Captola Rivers Armstrong Bell

Reba Phillips

Louise Phillips

Gerald Phillips

Jane Bell

Reba and Gerald Delorse and Bill Armstrong in background

Wilma Phillips

Eugene and Wilma Harris with Beverly

Sunday, February 22, 2009

More Phillips Pictures

Aunt Reba, Cousins Dee and Bill Armstrong.
Aunt Captola and I don't know who eles. Pic taken in Texas. Perhaps someone knows.
Mammie Bell with Deloros, aunt Captola and grandma Phillips.

You know who this is! Ila (Bell) Phillips, a wonderful grand mother.

Aunt Captola - 1933
Pictures, thanks to Theresa Armstrong.